Privacy Policy
Click the button below to view or download the pdf of our privacy policy.
Make a report
To report an incident regarding a member of the staff, Board of Elders, or a volunteer of Yarrow Alliance Church please follow these steps:
1) Download or print out a copy of the form below
2) Fill in with as much detail all relevant information. For an explanation as to the purposes or the use of this information, please see the privacy policy above.
3) Email your completed form to privacyofficer@yarrowalliance.org or drop off the form at our office located at 42228 Yarrow Central Rd.
Upon delivery of the form, you will be contacted and assigned an incident report number within 2 business days. If you have any questions, please contact privacyofficer@yarrowalliance.org.
Risk management
Click the button below to view our risk management policy and procedure manual.